What to do next...
If you have not already, reserved your place click below
Reserve Your FREE Space 1. Whitelist our email address
Please whitelist our email address [email protected] to make sure you do not miss any follow up emails. (Whitelist Instructions)
2. Help us spread the word
We are absolutely BUZZING about the 10 Day Groovy Challenge, and we’d really appreciate it if you’d help us spread the word, so we can make it the biggest challenge ever seen!
Below is the link to the Facebook group...
Please make sure to ask to join the group, ’share’ my welcome video talking about the challenge and of course tag any friends who you think would benefit from implementing through the challenge.
3. Download The Work Sheet
Once the Google document is open click FILE, then click MAKE A COPY and rename the document and save your own G Drive. Now you have your own editable version for the challenge.
DOWNLOAD WORK SHEET 4. Register to receive daily FB messages about the tasks
Please click the link and then click "GET STARTED" if it prompts you.